Friday, January 04, 2013

Random 12 pm musings 

Reading and watching films play such a great role in shaping you that they sometimes make you realise that you're made up of nothing but fragments of other people. I am different from you because I'm made up of fragments of my parents and my friends, and you're made up of fragments of different parents and different friends. You'll read/hear/watch something you really like and start to think in terms of those people. What do the words 'original thoughts' mean then?

I mean, your thoughts are always 'original' in the sense that they're your core self's interpretation of things, but, for example, there's a difference between the thoughts I get (from observing people at the office towers), and the thoughts i get from (reading about someone's thoughts of him observing people at the office towers). I'm apprehensive about the latter.


It feels good when someone manages to 'put our thoughts we can't exactly pin down' into words, or 'offer us a completely new perspective', but does that not mean we're just 'borrowing' words/thoughts from others and not pondering about questions we have to resolve ourselves?

I guess there are times where we have to 'borrow thoughts from others' because we're too caught up in our own worlds to move on, and books/movies etc will serve to heal you.

But on lighter occasions when you're just randomly searching for things like "what is fear?", and you start to read others' opinion on this topic - would it not be dangerous if you have had no prior opinion to the word 'fear'? (Besides feeling it all the time, of course).

Cause you'd either fully accept his opinion or criticize it based on the premises of 'fear' that person has already set for you. I guess it'll help to read a lot.


Of course, books and films are still (indescribably) wonderful in the sense that they provide you with a piece of other worlds and situations you otherwise wouldn't have known. They allow you to think about issues not as prevalent in your life, they enrich you.

Perhaps the question to myself would be, so what if we're made up of fragments of others? I don't know, it just unnerves me a little. Maybe I should google "what does the word 'self' mean?". Ironically.

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